Women Wealth & Prosperity Mastery Series:

Living Life Boldly in Turbulent Times

Today it is more important than ever to create a strategy to protect your lifestyle and all you have worked for. Fear and uncertainty that accompany inflationary times can derail our plans for achieving financial success and have us questioning the security of our future. However, that does not have to be YOUR story.

Living Life Boldly is a program for women who want the financial freedom to live life on their terms. You will create a Lifestyle Plan that will help you achieve your goals and take control over your financial future. You will be encouraged to dream big and set big goals. You will learn about common challenges women face and how to overcome them. You will develop strategies that align with your values to create the life you desire.

In this 90-minute workshop you will:

Unleash the power within to set bold goals

Define & refine your priorities on your terms

Learn how to align your time and financial resources with your goals.

Uncover what hurdles hold you back and learn how to overcome them.

Learn to say “Yes” to yourself and “No” to time vampires.

Register To Attend

We’re giving back to the community!

Help us support the Salvation Army’s Back to School campaign by bringing school supplies, backpacks, lunch boxes, etc. to the workshop.

We thank you in advance for your generosity!

9 Reasons Why You Should Attend This Workshop


Create a life plan aligned with your values that is easy to update annually


Create positive momentum even in turbulent times


Simplify your life by eradicating activities or behaviors that don’t advance your goals


Learn how to use your financial resources to promote your lifestyle dreams


Learn how your mindset towards money may be getting in the way of your success


Have fun creating your plan with like-minded women


Build confidence in your abilities to achieve your goals


Enjoy a light supper and wine



We are in the process of rebranding. More changes to come after tax season.